IACIS Conference 2024

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Artificial Intelligence In The Workplace: A Philosophical Approach To Ethics and Integrity

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is an evolving construct with the power to transform and dominate the way we live, work, and play. Business decision-makers constantly grapple with how to maximum corporate revenue and profits to achieve stakeholder satisfaction, while minimizing internal and external organizational risks. Corporate leaders understand their C-Suite roles and generally support the implementation of AI; but many do not consider how their AI decisions impact the organizational cyberculture and the well-being of their employees. This paper explores the ethical ramifications of AI upon the employees, the philosophies that underpin leaders’ decision-making to incorporate AI within the overall cyberculture, and the primary concerns of employees regarding how algorithms of robotics, machine-learning, expert systems, and language-processing may impact their livelihoods. We approach this research challenge from the perspective of several philosophical theories of Social Contract, Utilitarianism, Deontology, and Phenomenology to better understand how each approach affects the informed decisions of leaders to determine if it is possible to ethically balance innovation while considering the welfare and future of their employees. Interpretation of the literature suggests there are key underlying philosophical themes and patterns relevant to achieving a healthy AI cyberculture responsibly and ethically. Findings indicate that successful implementation of workplace AI includes aligning strategic business objectives with open communication and employee training to increase AI acceptance and mitigate risk of layoffs and job loss. We theorize that a hybrid philosophical framework supporting a behavioral practice of trust and transparency between leadership and the workforce, can result in an ethical workplace solution that supports AI, a cyber-lebenswelt that successfully integrates technology into employees’ daily lived-world experiences.

Debra J Borkovich
Middle GA State University
United States

Robert J Skovira
Robert Morris University
United States

Frederick Kohun
Robert Morris University
United States


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