IACIS Conference 2024

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Analyzing Artificial Intelligence Frameworks: Phenomenologists Against Machines

This study was conducted to analyze the results of using artificial intelligence in the analysis of data in qualitative studies. The researchers sought to investigate the question: Can a human qualitative evaluator uncover the same themes as an artificial intelligence (AI) bot from semi-structured interviews? A non-evaluator researcher was used to select the topic, exclusionary criteria, source of transcripts, and the transcripts to be analyzed. Two evaluator researchers then analyzed the data using Quirkos software to produce themed discoveries. ChatGPT was used to complete the same task. The results obtained from the two evaluator researchers and the AI were then compared with the study conducted by Morgan (2023). The researchers concluded that AI is a good starting point for theme analysis by humans are still needed for nuanced analysis and emotional understanding in analysis.

Scott Spangler
Middle Ga State University
United States

Shannon Beasley
Middle Ga State University
United States

Kembley Lingelbach
Middle Ga State University
United States


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