IACIS Conference 2024

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Data Science and Digital Transformation For Sustainability

In the age of digital transformation, sustainability is highly relevant and important for organizations. In this regard, data science and key digital transformation technologies such as, Bigdata and IoT play important roles in enhancing sustainability. This paper employs data science tools, specifically VOSviewer, to investigate the correlation between sustainability and digital transformation. Utilizing a dataset comprising 14,590 articles sourced from the Web of Science database, the study examines keyword co-occurrence patterns related to sustainability and Big Data, and the Internet of Things (IoT). Through science mapping of the literature, the analysis reveals a robust connection between sustainability and digital transformation, as evidenced by significant keyword correlations. These findings underscore the relevance of digital transformation technologies in shaping sustainability agendas, highlighting their potential to influence and advance sustainable development initiatives. This study enriches the theoretical foundations by providing insights for researchers and scientists seeking to leverage novel digital technologies in green business and sustainability endeavors.

Karim Feroz
Middle Georgia State University
United States

Myungjae Kwak
Middle Georgia State University
United States


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