International Association for Computer Information Systems
Tuesday, February 18, 2025
IACIS is dedicated to the improvement of Information Systems/Information Technology education and computer professionals since 1960

Welcome to IACIS!

Our Vision
Our vision is to be one of the leading international academic information systems and technology professional organizations.

Our Mission
We value activities that develop the knowledge and skills of information systems and technology academics, by providing a forum for networking and discussing research ideas and findings, encouraging the sharing of teaching best practices, and supporting the development of high quality curriculum.

The International Association for Computer Information Systems (IACIS) is a nonprofit association founded in 1960 and dedicated to the improvement of information systems and the education of information systems and computer professionals. These goals are accomplished through various activities, recognition awards, and two official refereed journals -- The Journal of Computer Information Systems (JCIS), published by Taylor & Francis and Issues in Information Systems (IIS), published by IACIS.

The Journal of Computer Information Systems (JCIS)
Published 6 times a year, the Journal of Computer Information Systems (JCIS) is the forum for IACIS members and other information systems and business professionals to publish their research. Each issue provides a wealth of timely and informative articles, as well as thought-provoking commentaries. The editor and editorial review board are committed to providing members with the best quality articles in a timely manner, ensuring a journal that members will find useful as well as informative in their teaching and professional activities. The citation metrics of JCIS for 2021 is as follows:

  • 3.317 (2021) Impact Factor
  • 3.556 (2021) 5 year IF
  • 6.3 (2021) CiteScore (Scopus)
  • Q1 (2021) CiteScore Best Quartile
  • 1.480 (2021) SNIP
  • 0.820 (2021) SJR

For more information about JCIS, please visit

Issues in Information Systems (IIS)

Published 4 times a year, Issues in Information Systems (IIS) journal is a refereed (double-blind peer review) refereed publication (ISSN 1529-7314). IIS publishes the latest research in practice and pedagogical topics that focus on how information systems are used to support organizations or enhance the educational process. Issues in Information Systems journal is indexed in

  • Scopus (Issues in Information Systems has been accepted for inclusion in Scopus as of 15-Nov-2022)
  • Cabell's Directory of Publishing Opportunities in Management and Marketing
  • EBSCO Host
  • DOAJ

The IIS is the official publication of the IACIS. All manuscripts must be the authors' original, unpublished work. The manuscript must not be under consideration for publication elsewhere. For more information, visit the IIS page.


Each year, IACIS organizes two separate conferences -- the IACIS Annual Conference (mainly in the USA) and the IACIS Europe/International Conference (in Europe and beyond). Both conferences provide professors, information systems/information technology professionals, and doctoral students the opportunity to meet, discuss timely issues, and participate in the presentation and discussion of research, applications, and other technology-related topics. Theses conferences also provide a forum for individuals from diverse geographical locations and varied working and teaching environments to come together and discuss educational and other important topics.

IACIS History

IACIS was formed in 1960 as the Society for Automation in Business Education. The primary purpose of the founding organization was to promote as understanding of the use of computers in training business students. In 1969 the organization incorporated and changed its name to the Society of Data Educators. As the focus of information technology changed from data processing to information systems, the Society saw the need for change as well.

To reflect the changing times, the name was changed in 1987 to the Association for Computer Educators. To meet the needs of the membership, the organization became the International Association for Computer Information Systems in 1990. Through all the changes, the Association had maintained its service to its membership. The large body of members with more than 10 years of association with the organization attests to the way the Association has met their needs.

The main purpose of the organization always has been to promote the growth and development of knowledge and understanding of computer automation, including information systems, management sciences computer science and applied education technology. Even though technology continues to change, this mission remains central to all activities of the Association.

The International Association for Computer Information Systems
  • Fosters an active partnership between leaders in business and education seeking to realize the potential of business information systems and computer technologies.
  • Provides faculty an arena to present scholarly and applied research and papers related to business and computer systems, technology and telecommunications, and technical and computer education.
  • Supports discussion and networking for faculty and computer professionals with the annual international conference.
  • Recognizes superior scholarship by selecting for recognition outstanding papers for pedagogy and research at the annual conference.
  • Provides an internationally recognized and refereed computer information systems journal for members and others.
  • Provides a refereed serial publication for conference participants and others.
  • Recognizes outstanding individuals through the Computer Educator of the Year award and the Ben Bauman Award for Excellence.