International Association for Computer Information Systems
Tuesday, February 18, 2025

Issues in Information Systems

Published 4 times a year, Issues in Information Systems (IIS) is an open access refereed (double-blind peer review) publication (ISSN 1529-7314). IIS is an Scopus-indexed journal that publishes the latest research in practice and pedagogical topics that focus on how information systems are used to support organizations or enhance the educational process. The journal also publishes high-marked refereed (double-blind) papers that are selected by editors from the IACIS conference.

Submission Guidelines

All manuscripts must be authors' original, unpublished work. The manuscript must not be under consideration for publication elsewhere. Please refer to the submission guidelines/instructions for authors before submitting your paper.

Publication Ethics

Authors must review the IIS Publication Ethics before submitting their papers.

Submission Timeline

Manuscripts will be reviewed by the IIS Screening Committee which includes the editor and the associate editors within two to three weeks from the time of submission. The corresponding author will then be contacted with news of whether or not the submission will be advanced to the first round of blind reviews (or is being rejected as not suitable for publication in the journal). Typically, the blind review process takes approximately twelve to sixteen weeks. The IIS does not process any submission that does not comply with the requirements found in the submission guidelines. Papers are published online as soon as they are accepted.

Publication Fees

There is no charge for paper submission. Final revised papers that are accepted for publication will be subject to a one-time publication processing fee of $500.

Submission & Review System

To submit a manuscript directly to IIS submission and review system click here.

Listing and Index

Scopus (Issues in Information Systems has been accepted for inclusion in Scopus as of 15-Nov-2022.)

Cabell's Directory of Publishing Opportunities in Management and Marketing




Copyright and Licensing

IACIS allows authors to hold the copyright of their published articles in IIS. Authors may copy, distribute, publicly perform, or adapt their published paper as long appropriate credit is given to the original work.

Articles published in IIS are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.

You may copy and redistribute the material in any medium or format under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License

Third-Party Repositories

No permission from IACIS is required for authors to share or post their final IIS accepted and published article in third-party noncommercial repositories, i.e., author's personal website/repository, author's employer's website/repository,, and other noncommercial repositories. Authors must do so after the publication of their article appears in IIS.

Access & Preservation

Issues in Information Systems is an open-access journal. Users have the right to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, or link to the full text of articles in this journal, and to use them for any other lawful purpose.

Issues in Information Systems electronically stores backup copies of all published articles in a separate cloud storage for the purpose of preservation of access.

AI-based tools and technologies for content generation

Authors must be aware that using AI-based tools and technologies for article content generation, e.g. large language models (LLMs), generative AI, and chatbots (e.g. ChatGPT), is not in line with our authorship criteria. All authors are wholly responsible for the originality, validity, and integrity of the content of their submissions. Therefore, LLMs and other similar types of tools do not meet the criteria for authorship.